Panurbana Westerkerktoren II

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Panurbana 165 Wester toren II
Amsterdam Atlas
collage: 11 photos
format: 200 x 200 cm

Amsterdam 2020

The Westerkerk was designed by master builder Hendrik de Keyser (1565-1621).
After his death, his son, Peter de Keyser (1595-1676), completed the church.
The tower is 87 meters high, 29 meters wide and leans (at the height of the crown) about 88 cm.
It is the tallest church tower in Amsterdam. The carillon consists of 51 bells.
The heaviest bells were cast in 1658 by François Hemony (1609-1667).
Hemony also cast the bells of the Beurstoren (later moved to the Munttoren)
in 1651, as well as the bells of the Zuidertoren (1656) and the Oude Kerk (1658).
The carillon of the Westerkerk can be heard day and night and plays every fifteen minutes.
Every Tuesday afternoon it is played by the city carillonneur Boudewijn Zwart (1962).
The Westertoren will be under construction from January 2023 to mid-2024 for maintenance work
and renovation (the carillon frame, in which the bells hang, is rusted and needs to be replaced).

Panurbana 001 Westerkerk torens

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001 Panurbana

Westerkerk torens

collage: 15 photos

format: 350x200

Amsterdam 2020