Panurbana 036 Joost van den Vondel

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Panurbana 036 Joost van den Vondel

collage: 17 photos

format: 150 x 70 cm

Amsterdam 2020

Joost van den Vondel (Cologne 1587 - Amsterdam 1679) is seen as

the greatest Dutch writer and poet of the Dutch language.

He writes tragedies, doctrines, praise and denunciations.

Well-known works are: Kinder-lyck, Gijsbrecht van Aemstel, Palamedes and Lucifer.

188 years after his death, Joost van den Vondel receives a statue and a park is named after him.

On Christmas 1982, as a protest, Joost van den Vondel was beheaded by squatters from Vondelstraat 36.

A year later, the restored statue is placed back in the park.