Panurbana 187 Holocaust namen monument

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Panurbana 187

Holocaust namen monument

Amsterdam Atlas

collage: 26 photos

format: 230 x 90 cm

The Holocaust Names Monument was designed by the architect Daniel Libeskind (1946).

It was built on Weesperstraat, which was part of Amsterdam's Jewish quarter before the war.

Liebeskind is an architect, born in Lodz (Poland) and naturalized as an American citizen in 1965.

He designed, among other, the Jewish Museum in Berlin and the Master Plan for the

reconstruction of the World Trade Center in New York.

The Holocaust Names Monument in Amsterdam consists of four Hebrew letters לזכר

that together form the word 'In memory of'.

It is a labyrinth of high brick walls, above which are placed mirrored stainless plates that appear to float.

The names, dates of birth and ages at death of Dutch victims of the Holocaust are engraved in the 102,000 bricks.

The monument was unveiled by King Willem Alexander on September 19, 2021.